Place an Order
Use the links to the top of this page or to the right to choose a floor plan that meets your needs, or is near to what you require. Next, use the CONTACT US facility or call us on 01923 942600 to request a Quotation with detailed specifications, but remember to provide a post code for delivery because our prices include delivery to your premises.
Once you’ve received a quotation please feel free to discuss any changes to the specifications. You can count on our full support if you need to obtain Planning Consent or submit your application for Grant Funding.
When you’re ready to place your order please send us an e-mail or Purchase Order confirming any final requirements with reference to our Quotation number and any external finish or other extras to be included. We will reply immediately with details of the factory lead time and will book your unit into production pending receipt of your deposit which is required by the factory before production commences.